Last revised: Sep 11th 23 11:34:23 pm
Data Type | Required | Description |
symbol | false | coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc |
The response is a list of data values displayed in an array in the following order:
['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => {}]
Data Type | Description |
symbol | symbol name |
trade_coin | trade coin full name |
base_coin | base coin full name |
price | current price |
price_change_24h | price change in the last 24 hours |
volume_24h | last 24-hour volume |
high_24h | highest price of the last 24 hours |
low_24h | lowest price of the last 24 hours |
Try: Click 🚀
Data Type | Required | Description |
symbol | true | coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc |
limit | false | maximum number of records returned |
type | false | order type buy, sell, buy_sell, default is buy_sell |
The response is a list of data values displayed in an array in the following order:
['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => ['type' => buy_sell,'limit' => 10, 'buys' => [{},{}..], 'sells' => [{},{}..]]
Data Type | Description |
amount | quote units traded |
price | trade price |
total | total trade coin (amount * price) |
exchanged | already exchanged amount |
date_time | time the record was pushed |
Try: Click 🚀
Data Type | Required | Description |
symbol | true | coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc |
limit | false | maximum number of records returned |
The response is a list of data values displayed in an array in the following order:
['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => ['limit' => 10, 'trade' => [{},{}..]]
Data Type | Description |
amount | quote units traded |
price | trade price |
last_price | market last traded price |
price_order_type | taker's trade side (BUY, SELL) |
total | total trade coin |
time | time the record was pushed |
Try: Click 🚀
Data Type | Required | Description |
symbol | true | coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc |
start_time | false | filters by time. The default value is 0. |
end_time | false | filters by time. The default value is the current time |
interval | false | 5 = 5minData, 15= 15 min Data, 30 = 30 min Data, 120 = 2-hour Data, 240 = 4-hour data, 1440 = 1-day data |
The response is a list of candles data values displayed in an array in the following order:
['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => [{},{},...]
Data Type | Description |
time | time the record was pushed |
low | the lowest price over the interval |
high | the highest price over the interval |
open | price at the start time |
close | price at the end time |
volume | base units traded over the interval |