Last revised: Sep 11th 23 11:34:23 pm

Get Market Price

Endpoint: https://4bit.uk/api/v1/market/price/BTC_USDT

Try: Click 🚀

Request Parameters

Data Type Required Description
symbol                         false                          coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc


The response is a list of data values displayed in an array in the following order:

['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => {}]

Data Fields

Data Type Description
symbol symbol name
trade_coin trade coin full name
base_coin base coin full name
price current price
price_change_24h price change in the last 24 hours
volume_24h last 24-hour volume
high_24h highest price of the last 24 hours
low_24h lowest price of the last 24 hours

Get Market Order Book Data

Endpoint: https://4bit.uk/api/v1/market/orderbook/BTC_USDT

Try: Click 🚀

Request Parameters

Data Type Required Description
symbol true coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc
limit false maximum number of records returned
type false order type buy, sell, buy_sell, default is buy_sell


The response is a list of data values displayed in an array in the following order:

['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => ['type' => buy_sell,'limit' => 10, 'buys' => [{},{}..], 'sells' => [{},{}..]]

Data Fields

Data Type                           Description
amount quote units traded
price trade price
total total trade coin (amount * price)
exchanged already exchanged amount
date_time time the record was pushed

Get Market Trade Data

Endpoint: https://4bit.uk/api/v1/market/trade/BTC_USDT

Try: Click 🚀

Request Parameters

Data Type Required     Description
symbol                                   true coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc
limit false maximum number of records returned


The response is a list of data values displayed in an array in the following order:

['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => ['limit' => 10, 'trade' => [{},{}..]]

Data Fields

Data Type                         Description
amount quote units traded
price trade price
last_price market last traded price
price_order_type taker's trade side (BUY, SELL)
total total trade coin
time time the record was pushed

Get Market Chart Data

Endpoint: https://4bit.uk/api/v1/market/chart/BTC_USDT

Try: Click 🚀

Request Parameters

Data Type Required Description
symbol                         true coin pair like BTC_USDT, LTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, USDT_BTC, etc
start_time false                   filters by time. The default value is 0.
end_time false filters by time. The default value is the current time
interval false 5 = 5minData, 15= 15 min Data, 30 = 30 min Data, 120 = 2-hour Data, 240 = 4-hour data, 1440 = 1-day data


The response is a list of candles data values displayed in an array in the following order:

['success' => true/false, 'message' => 'success or error message', 'data' => [{},{},...]

Data Fields

Data Type  Description
time                             time the record was pushed
low the lowest price over the interval
high the highest price over the interval
open price at the start time
close price at the end time
volume base units traded over the interval